The Top Four Best Calls made by The Richies
The Richies Commentate Rivalry on the Sydney Harbour Bridge (SHB) for the 2017/18 Test Series
At the toss of a coin, the 2017/18 test series was a-go, with Australia and England going head-to-head in a gallant race to the summit of the SHB.
The Richies, alongside the competitive Aussies and the composed English, provided intelligent commentary for every moment of the 1,000 step bucket list journey.
How did the day’s play end up?
Although both teams showed great skill and determination in their triumphant race to the summit, the match win had to go to the Richies for their witty commentary.
Here are the top four calls made Richie during the test match series at the SHB:
“Is that the cream, bone, white or the off-white?…No it’s the grey”
When climbing the SHB everyone gets to represent in our famous onesies! Various versions of the BridgeClimb Suit have been made famous by celebrities and Climbers over the years, with over 3.5 million Climbers from around the world having sported the suit to date. So, bring your sneakers, and comfortable clothes, and suit up!
“Looks like that’s two-for-twenty-two…no looks like that’s just a double peace sign”
Getting that insta-worthy snap is definitely hot on the list of “to do’s” while travelling up the famous arches. Depending on what Climb type you chose, there are a variety of photo stops on your way up to the ultimate vantage point in the Harbour. You have the double peace sign, celebration arms, and the all popular “dab”. So get planning for that perfect pose!“It’s a blatant LBF… That’s a Limb Before Face”
That’s right, be mindful of your surroundings or you too might be an object of the LBF. Before stepping out onto the Bridge, the slider on your Climb belt will be attached to a safety line throughout the whole Climb experience, until you get back to the base. We are all about Safety, safety, safety!
“Looks like that’s an out… No looks like that’s a six… or it could be some sort of interpretive dance?”
Once reaching your destination on the SHB arches, you Climb Leader will take the ultimate Sydney Harbour shot of you and your Climb group! It’s the perfect keepsake to remember your time at the SHB, maybe it’ll be right up there with your Ashes jersey in the pool room!
As spoken by Richie himself, “Who will win on the day…either way we can all agree that just being able to walk with these giants is reward enough. Where ever you are in the world, enjoy your test Season, and enjoy cricket.”
Information on and tickets for all BridgeClimb experiences are available at or call (02) 8274 7777.