Climb Flexible

Book with confidence. Giving you peace of mind with our Flexible Booking Policy.

We know that travel plans change, and that's why we do what we can to give you the freedom to be flexible.

FREE cancellation

Book any Climb experience and relax knowing you can cancel and receive a full refund (or credit) up to 14 days prior, fee-free!

Climbs cancelled 13 days to 72 hours prior also only incur a small admin fee.

See The Finer Details for more info.

Unlimited date / time changes, fee-free!

You can change the date / time of your Climb booking as often as needed with no charge up to 14 days prior. Applies to any Climb, including discounted or special offer tickets. 

A credit to you

Switch to BridgeClimb credit and rebook within one year when you're ready.
We'll be waiting, and so will the best views of Sydney!

Charges apply if requested < 14 days before your Climb, see below.

the finer details

flexible bookings table of fees

This Policy is subject to change at any time without notice.